Sunday, July 19, 2009

Located in the Chihuahuan Desert in southeastern New Mexico west of the Pecos River, Carlsbad Caverns National Park is outstanding in its profusion, diversity and beauty of mineral formations that occur in a network of more than 100 limestone caves. Lechuguilla Cave, in particular, is an underground laboratory where geological processes can be studied in a virtually intact setting.

The park was established to preserve Carlsbad Cavern and numerous other caves within a Permian-age fossil reef. The park contains 109 known caves, including Lechuguilla Cave, the nation's deepest limestone cave (1,604 feet) and third longest (over 112 miles). Carlsbad Cavern, with one of the world's largest underground chambers and countless formations, is also highly accessible, with a variety of tours offered year-round. Established first as a National Monument on October 25,1923, it was made a National Park on May 14, 1930.
Park ranger gives interpretive talk to visitors

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Margy - I have been to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, and it was truly a great experience! We had a wonderful tour guide and the whole afternoon to go deep down into the caverns. When they turn out the lights, let me just say that there is absolutely nothing darker in this world (and I thought I had before seen the dark). Thanks for posting! -Niece Marie
